It's a bit of a sore point to the BID that when the Germantown Avenue commercial corridor had a streetscape improvement about a decade ago, the 6400 block was overlooked.
PennDOT improved the commercial corridor heading north from the 6400 block, and the City of Philadelphia improved the 6300 block, heading south, leaving a gap in the BID’s effort to clean, beautify and improve its commercial corridor. The absence of pedestrian scale lamp-posts has not only left the block in the dark, but it's prevented the BID from hanging our award-winning hanging flower baskets.. The issue has taken on greater importance in recent years as both the 6300 and 6500 blocks of Germantown are experiencing significant residential and commercial development. These changes are putting greater demand and pressure on the 6400 block as a gateway between the sister communities of Mt. Airy and Germantown. In 2021, the BID board allocated $20,000 to attract government funding by hiring design professionals who can provide a conceptual layout of lighting design and other improvements and determine estimated construction costs. The consultants launched the project in January 2022 with a public meeting designed to gain community feedback and approval. By filling in this gap, local small businesses and institutions will be more successful, commercial, and mixed-use properties will be more valuable, and residents and visitors can continue to enjoy the benefits of a vibrant community. The proposed improvements include the installation of pedestrian-scale lighting and new sidewalks and amenities such as hanging flower baskets, attractive planters, and new street trees.